
Sunday, June 2, 2013

I'm so bad at blogging.

This is why I don't want to get a twitter. I feel like I wouldn't give it the attention it deserves. On here I don't have anyone reading it to yell at me when I don't post.

So I survived the Warrior Dash! It was a great day and I pretty much accomplished my goal of doing all the obstacles. There was one obstacle that was four different types of climbing walls to get over, and I only made it over two, but I attempted all four. Just completely lacking the strength and grip necessary to pull myself up at that point in the run. We got completely muddy and smelly. I couldn't move for two days and I still have bruises and scabs two weeks later, but it was such a good feeling to try something out of my comfort range. Definitely going to sign up again next year. And boyfriend said he might too, so yay! Just have to remember to actually do some strength training, because it is a lot more about that than running. But I learned a lot, and I'm excited to set new goals for myself.

Our 'team' celebrating our finish. You'll notice I was not climbing anything else that day.
My warrior medal! I like getting medals.
So now the hunt is on for a new 5k. I need to have that goal to work towards, or I don't think I'll keep up the work I've been doing. And that would be bad. My good friend just mentioned that she wants to start training for a 5k, so I think we'll find one to sign up for together this fall. I think if I keep up the hard work, I can maybe run a full one at some point. Accomplishing one goal furthers me to try another. Can't get stagnant!

Speaking of that good friend/future running buddy, she and her husband came to visit for a day this weekend! We were super grown-ups and went to a couple winerys near us for wine tastings! It was a beautiful day and a super fun time.
Like I said...super grown-up.

It's a busy busy summer with a lot of fun things to do, so I'd like to try to post about it all, as well as my further running/clean eating adventures. (I CANNOT make coconut flour pancakes. I fail and fail and fail every time.) I don't want to make any blog promises, but I really will try to make time for it. Have to document my adventures somewhere, right?


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