It was pretty gross and sad, and I wish someone would get rid of it because it's right on my path. With the heat we've been having I can't imagine it remaining odorless for much longer and inhaling dead animal is not exactly good for my exercise mantra of "Just keep breathing...don't die."
Also it makes me want to cry cause I like kitties. :'(
In other/happier news this weekend went pretty awesomely. Yes, I know it's Wednesday, but since I didn't fill you in before now this is what you get.
Saturday we went to see Book of Mormon. My sister and I always seem to get each other tickets to the same shows for Christmas, so this year we organized and just got them for ourselves. So Merry Christmas to us!
The show was freaking hilarious, we were dying through most of it. I knew the music already, but there were so many little jokes that are brought to life by the stage. Go see it. Immediately.
I bought an apron that they were selling as part of the Broadway Cares organization. Basically shows that participate in it ask you for your money and often give you incentives and it goes towards a bunch of charities and AIDS research. So you get something cool and get to give to charity!
My awesome apron. Be jealous. |
So after a lovely weekend of doing nothing resembling exercise I started to get my butt back in gear this week. As the race is 6 weeks out now and I'd been running two miles pretty consistently I decided to increase my run yesterday. Turns out running in 86 degree weather is WAAAY different than running in the 50s. So, I kept it to the 2 miles and stepped backwards to about 27 minutes. Today, I sucked it up and ran early before it got balls hot. I often lack motivation in the morning, but with the heat I had no choice. With the extra length added on I hit 3 miles (just over!) and finished the whole circuit in 38 minutes. Just a little proud. :)
So that's where we are now. I'm feeling pretty good on the runs, even though I rotate between walking and running. I figure if it's what I have to do to finish, then it's better than giving up!
This update brought to you by the beautiful weather outside, sitting on my deck and Woodchuck Spring Cider.
See ya tomorrow!
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Cheers for crappy backwards webcam pictures! Wee! |